

RealBooks – the only cloud-based online accounting software that you need

The finance industry has to tackle a herculean amount of data regularly. Storing all the data on a hard drive is neither cost-efficient nor is it risk-free. Despite all those drawbacks, professionals often find it hard to put their faith in cloud systems. There are a few concerns that sometimes may stop the companies from deciding on switching to cloud-based systems, especially cloud-based online accounting software.

  • Technical unavailability: It may sound odd but several companies are still using offline methods for their data storage.
  • Security concern: Due to the escalating number of cyberattacks on data, many companies find it hard to trust cloud services with their valuable data.
  • Price point: Many cloud services come with high subscription fees. It may not encourage the companies to switch to the cloud.

Keeping the concerns aside, cloud technology comes with a ton of advantages that can lead your company to obtain hassle-free data management.

Benefits of Cloud-based Online Accounting Software

  • Accessibility: Most cloud drive systems have an easy-to-understand user interface and give you full freedom to arrange your data as you like.
  • Security: As cloud services are associated with the internet, security concern is the most basic thing that comes to mind while trusting cloud services. For maximum security of your data, almost all of the renowned cloud services use thousands of data centers. Even if one data center collapses the others will keep your data safe and secure.
  • Cost-efficiency: Although a few cloud services charge a heavy amount of money for their subscription, most of the cloud services have a very nominal charge. It helps the company to trim down its expenses on internal resources like storage space.
  • Usability: Multiple users can access cloud-based data with proper authorization. It cuts down the risk of your data being mishandled by unauthorized people.
  • Real-time Sync: The real-time synchronization feature in cloud systems allow you to track any updates made in your data at any given time.
  • Ease of Back-up: Cloud services can easily make backups of your data in the cloud. It saves a lot of time for your company.

Cloud storage is taking over every industry by storm. A huge portion of the finance industry has already moved to cloud storage systems for their day-to-day storage needs. 

Switch to a new digital future

If you are looking for a cloud-based online accounting software with world-class cloud services then look no further. RealBooks is the one-stop solution to all your data management-related queries. Numerous companies from several industries have already switched to RealBooks for hassle-free data management with real-time cloud sync. 

Here are a few reasons why you should consider switching to RealBooks – the best cloud-based online accounting software 

  • Cloud Sync: The real-time cloud sync feature allows you to store all your data in its dedicated cloud storage. You can access your data from anywhere at any given time.
  • Easy Backup: Forget the worries of investing a lot of your valuable time in the process of creating data backup. RealBooks operates on a multiple levels data back-up policy, that minimizes the chances of data loss.
  • Data Migration: RealBooks offers you a tension-free data migration from your previous software. With RealBooks, forget data breach worries. The easy adapting nature of RealBooks gives you the freedom to switch to RealBooks from any data management software.
  • Security: RealBooks uses the world-renowned servers of Amazon Web Services. It ensures the absolute safety of your valuable data. Forget about the cyber attacks and thefts. Manage your data without any tension.
  • Multi-Location Management: With the cloud sync technology of RealBooks, you can access data across branches of your company in real-time. It also gives you the freedom to manage your branches individually.

Forget all your worries and switch to a new digital future. Choose RealBooks – the best cloud-based online accounting software and enjoy hassle-free data management. Switch to RealBooks