
RealBooks' WhatsApp and SMS Integration!

Revolutionize Your Communication with RealBooks’ WhatsApp and SMS Integration! 🚀

We understand the importance of effective communication with our customers. When Whatsapp revolutionized direct contact and communication, it became an indispensable tool for business. That’s why we are thrilled to unveil our newest innovation – WhatsApp and SMS integration. Like saying “I will WhatsApp you the details,” you can now streamline your invoicing process with WhatsApp integration. This groundbreaking feature is designed to revolutionize how you communicate with your customers, providing a direct line for updates, notifications, and personalized interactions.

Join us in transforming your customer communication experience as we unveil the magic of WhatsApp and SMS integration!

Why Settle for Traditional Invoicing?

Real-Time Invoice Delivery: Share invoices instantly via WhatsApp, making client interaction faster and more efficient. Say goodbye to cluttered inboxes and hello to real-time communication!

Save Time and Effort: Create and share invoices on WhatsApp in real-time, right at the point of creation. With updated WhatsApp numbers in ledger masters, you’re all set!

Paperless Efficiency: Join our initiative for paperless accounting. By sending digital files directly, you eliminate the need for printing, saving time, resources, and the environment.

Revolutionize Your Accounting: With RealBooks, share invoices, reports, and ledger confirmations with just a few clicks, cutting out manual work and enhancing accuracy.

Integrate your WhatsApp Business Account with RealBooks

Real-Time Communication With WhatsApp: Speed up communication with your clients. Share invoices, payment advice, receipt acknowledgments, and more with just a click. No more waiting for mail or shuffling through stacks of paper!

Unlock the Full Potential of WABA with RealBooks and Automate Business

To offer you a seamless experience, we have partnered with Automate Business, a certified Meta Partner. This partnership provides you with a platform to create templates, curate your own campaigns, and help you realize the full potential of WhatsApp Business API (WABA).

How does it work?

  1. Vendor Registration with Automate Business:
  • Automate Business will handle the Meta account setup.
  • You will be provided a platform to register templates, upload contacts, and create chatbots, with guidance from Automate Business.
  1. RealBooks Setup: 
  • Once your Meta account is set up, share the credentials with our team.
  • Our backend team will map the access token against your account, enabling template linking for various transaction types.

Paperless Accounting for a Greener Tomorrow

Integrate SMS with RealBooks:

  • DLT Registration: Complete DLT registration as mandated by the regulatory authority. This is essential for external SMS communication.
  • Coordination with Gupshup: Partner with Gupshup for SMS integration services. Finalize the integration plan and receive setup guidance.
  • Integrating Your Gupshup Account with RealBooks: Provide Gupshup account credentials for integration. Our team will activate and integrate your account with RealBooks.

At RealBooks, we strive to provide the best-in-class communication tools for our users. With the integration of Whatsapp and SMS services, you can enhance your customer interactions and stay connected with them in a more personalized manner.

It’s time to switch to RealBooks and take your visionary organization towards a smarter and greener tomorrow. With RealBooks, you can focus on growing your business while we take care of the rest.

Try it today and experience the difference!