
Identify Duplicate Instruments in Bank Reconciliation Statement Report

This tool tackles the challenge of identifying duplicate instruments within your BRS Report. A dedicated “Duplicate Instrument Number” Report appears in the BRS Report type dropdown menu. This report displays a list of potential duplicates based on instrument numbers found in your bank ledger.

Each potential duplicate entry within the dropdown offers valuable details for easy comparison:

Branch Name: Identifies the relevant bank branch associated with the instrument.

Voucher Date: Specifies the date the instrument was recorded.

BRS Status (N/R): Indicates the reconciliation status of the potential duplicate (Not Reconciled).

Opposite Ledger: This shows the ledger account associated with the duplicate transaction.

Bank Amount: Displays the corresponding bank amount for comparison.

Instrument Number: Highlights the matching instrument number that triggered the duplicate identification.

Instrument Type: Specifies the type of instrument (e.g., cheque, deposit slip).

Hyperlink to Edit Entry: Provides a convenient one-click link to access and edit the potential duplicate entry directly.